Dear Mom and Dad,
It is wonderful to read your email every week. By the way Grandma, I don't have the pens with me right now but the bigger size is the best. Thank you for wanting to send them to me. The problem is that my scriptures are all marked up and my pens are running out. So this week has been pretty good. We had one investigator come to sacrament meeting who is a relative of Gotov. He has really not had any desire to come to sacrament meeting before so this was pretty cool. He is 18 years old and me and him actually talked quite a bit. He even called me his friend which was cool because I still don't understand him very well. This week I learned that if I open my mouth that I can say things in Mongolian and can converse. Sure it is rough and the fact is that the Mongolians have listen really hard but I am getting better. Right now I am really trying to polish up all my gospel teaching language skills. It has been hard but eventually I want to do really well. So this week is cold but that is nothing new. The days are getting longer though. The sun is now setting at 4:30 instead of 4. Just kidding, though I actually think I'm right. Mom, I hope your chemotherapy goes well. I really am praying for you a lot and I hope you realize that. I hope you will stop having to drain your lungs. Dad, so BYU's new basketball team is pretty good or so it sounds like. So I got my transfer call a couple days ago and guess what!!! I'm staying in my same area. And my new companion is......the same. At first I was a little confused but with the new investigator thing I realized we both still need to be here. Also I sat next to another new investgator in sacrament meeting and it was cool because I was telling me about how peaceful the church was. I was going to tell him he was feeling the Holy Ghost but sacrament started right when I was about to. Oh well, we had to transfer him to other missionaries because he lives in a different area. It was still cool because I tried to communicate with him also. So I'm grateful for all of your prayers. I'm finally feeling like this is all normal now. It has taken a while but I am beginning to feel at home. It has been a great experience thus far and I really can't wait to get another member into the waters of baptism. One cool thing I learned about Gotov we just learned was that he used to be one of the most famous drunks in all the our city district. He has changed so much and he had no problem quitting alcohol. This is why his family is coming to church because they don't understand how he has changed so much. I love you so much and I know that even though we are members that this Gospel can still change us too. I'm so grateful for be being able to say the peace this gospel gave our family. I love you all and I pray for you and good luck with everything you are doing.
We just found Elder Williams' blog and we are excited to follow along. Our son was in the MTC with him. His blog is if you are interested in getting a little extra info about what's going on in Mongolia. It was fun to look at some of the photos you have posted. We especially liked the one from the MTC with the whole district dressed in Mongolian clothing. Thanks for posting. The Neubergers