Thank you for the email as always. It is so nice to hear from you every Monday. So this week has been really good. We met with one investigator like 4 times this week which has been really wonderful. To be honest, this week probably had the most spiritual experience on my mission. So we are teaching a young woman named Odmaa. She is so good and hasn't burned us once yet. So we were teaching her about how we need to read our scriptures and pray everyday because 1) it is a commandment from God and 2)more importantly it helps us live happily and be blessed. So my companion finished his side of the lesson and then I decided to ask her a question and I asked her why did God give us the commandment to pray and read scriptures. She answered me and told me because that we can get closer to God by doing these. I than started bearing my testimony and that she was right but she also realized that another reason was because Heavenly Father wants to get closer to her and be able to bless her. By the end she was crying and the Spirit was so strong in that room that we just kind of sat there for like 5 minutes in silence. Then my companion asked what she was feeling and she said that she felt like Heavenly Father was closer to her than she thought. This was an answer to my prayer because before her approach had always been like all of these things were healthy for her to do and that it could give her peace but I always felt she never quite had these connected with her Heavenly Father, but after that moment I feel it clicked in her. These are not just some rules to keep our lifestyle happy and blessed but a path we all need to gain eternal life. I am so grateful for me being able to see the Spirit work its wonders and miracles in people. Without the Spirit missionaries would be absolutely nothing. We would just become salesmen. I am so grateful for the opportunity to see people become changed through the Spirit of the Lord and come to the knowledge of things greater than they ever could have imagined. Well that was my week and she should be getting baptized in another 2 weeks. I just hope I will be here to see it. We also have an investigator getting baptized this Friday and that should be great. So, that is life here in the mission. Well me and Elder Woodward are doing fine here. Unur has been a wonderful place to serve. It sounds like all of you are doing fine back home. Also by the way no one showed up for the first day of piano. But it was actually nice to not have to teach it this week. So Mom just keep on going. It sounds like you are doing great. Also I know your talk went really well and I am grateful everyday for the sacrifices our ancestors made. Dad, it sounds like you are doing fine but you have to move all of Becky's stuff up in like three weeks. That should be a wonderful trip. That might have sounded a little sarcastic....and it was. I remember moving Kristalyn up and that was just hectic. Well good luck, know you can do it. So thanks for everything and I hope you all have a wonderful week. Love Elder Williams
Well, little Girls,
So this week has been really good for me and for you it sounds like. You are all doing so well. So this week I learned about the power of the spirit. Always remember that you have a special gift and that through that gift you can receive "messages" from God. How amazing is this Gospel? Just think about it. If you had never heard of this church and you learned all about it you would just straight up think that it was from some fantasy book or something. We actually do have a spirit guiding us. We have a father in heaven who watches us. We have angels that actually come out of heaven. We have a translated book that was taken from plates of gold given to a man by an angel. We can use a Priesthood power given to us by Heavenly Father. How much more wonderful can something sound?!! We just always need to remember that this Gospel is truly something amazing and something we need to share with everyone. We are literally connected with the powers of heaven. Always remember this. If we didn't have this church where would we be in life? I look at myself and just wonder. Who would I be? I just know that through this church I have grown so much. Always remember to let Heavenly Father help you grow. He is just trying to make you progress to where you can live with him again. Well little girls it sounds like everything at home is going just fine. I love you all. Caelen, it sounds like you are just doing great. Keep up the drawing. We need to develop all of our talents. Rachel, it sounds like those dogs were just loving you. :) Also the dogs in Mongolia are many. But you don't pet these dogs. When they charge you and try to bite you we normally have to throw rocks. :) But just keep loving those other dogs. :) Rebecca it sounds like your narrows trip was awesome. Also don't worry about college. No big deal, you will ace it just like you did back at home in highschool. Well little girls I love you all and good luck and amjilt khucie. Love ElderWilliams
Dear Kristalyn,
So this week has been good for me but you can read all about it in Mom and Dad's email. SO it sounds like you are having a good time. I can just imagine you screaming in your cute little pixie voice all the way down. But I am very impressed you did it. Good job!! Also I am so jealous of you going to the narrows. That sounds like it must have been a blast. SO I can't give you a lot of advice but let me talk to you a little. Kristalyn, though it may not make sense us being missionaries and all, we actually take a lot of hard discouraging blows from Satan all the time. He constantly tells us in our mind that we can't do the Lord's work or we can't actually help somebody here. Kristalyn, the only way to overcome this is first pray to Heavenly Father. He will help you. Second, Kristalyn, I just want to say that you are being a good young woman. You are doing everything right. You are a wonderful daughter of our Heavenly Father. I just want to tell you that you will be blessed and you don't need to worry about it. Just relax and have fun. If you constantly look for the things that could go wrong you will always find them. I have been told that the person you want to marry is the person you can have the most fun with. But it is really hard to no that if you can't have fun because you are worrying all the time. SO sit back, relax and just let life go. Just be happy and don't worry. There is no point in worrying. Worrying gets us nowhere and doesn't benefit us at all. Well just remember this. Be Happy. I am not just trying to inspire you. I am 100% serious and I want you from here on out to never forget this. Life is a beautiful chance to grow. So just let it be that. Just enjoy it. I love you and I wish you all the luck in the world. Love Elder Williams

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