Dear Mom and Dad,
So I will break down my week for you right now. So this week our golden investigator Enkhtuvshin quit meeting with us. At first we had no idea why but we talked to her later. She said that first of all she was offended by another older woman at church and second of all she wanted to know why all of the people in Mongolia kept saying that the Mormon church was wrong. As we talked to her it made me realize several things. First how true our church must be. Only the true church would be persecuted in a country like Mongolia where most of the people hardly even know that a book called the Bible exists. Second we always need to never get offended. We always need to realize that it is not worth putting our salvation on the line just because we can't forgive somebody. I always think what it would be like if I stood in front of God at judgement day and he asked me why I quit coming to church. And if I then said the reason I stopped coming was because someone didn't shake my hand or something like that and just how would god look at me? To think that I threw away my salvation for a little reason like that. It really got me thinking. so me and my companion both bore powerful testimonies of how our church is true and when we left that house I could feel the spirit burning inside of me. Though we might not ever teach her again it was another witness to the testimony that I have that this church is true. So that was one thing that happened. Speaking of giving talks Dad, I was called to give a talk this last Sunday about 3 minutes before it started. It was really hard and stressful to prepare but it worked out pretty good. I just gave a talk on missionary work and how all members could be missionaries. so that was really interesting for me. By the way you know that Cox guy you were talking about? I have heard his name a lot from the Mongolians here. He is pretty well known here. So tomorrow is mission conference and hopefully my sponser gives me the time off so I can go tomorrow but I am not sure yet. Anyway that has been my week so far. It has been pretty good and it was just so fun to be able to serve this mission. So that was the way my week went. Though I am sad about Enkhtuvshin it was a really good experience for me and hopefully she will begin to investigate the church again. well enough for that. Well English is pretty good and I am just being the youngest teacher at that school. Some students really speak well while others don't. So that is just the way it is over here. This week has been pretty normal so far and it has been great to say that. Well thank you for writing me all of your letters. I really enjoy being able to respond to all of you. Well I love you all and good luck. Love Elder Williams
Hey my little sisters,
SO this week has been pretty good. I really have just been living the missionary life this week. The only sad thing was that our investigator Enkhtuvshin kind of failed because she got a little offended from a church member. We went over and talked to her last night and we both bore really powerful testimonies of how our church is true. she was also having a problem with the fact that everyone even in Mongolia says our church is wrong. So we gave her the choice to call us if she ever wanted to meet with us again. I dare say we left the spirit of the Lord in that house as we walked out. I only hope she will respond to the spirit we left there. It was so powerful feeling the Spirit bear testimony of what we were saying and it was so neat to feel that whether she comes back to the church or not. So other than that this week has been a normal week with the exception of english. It was honestly pretty good but that was just because I planned my lessons well. Hopefully I can keep that up as I go throughout the year. We also have mission conference tomorrow which means that we have a companionship sleeping over at our house for the next two days which should be pretty fun. Well apart from that that is the news for this week. So Caelen, please don't send me mac and cheese. Even though I haven't had it in a long time let me just say that I have enjoyed not having it. :) SO the whole lockdown thing sounds absolutely awesome. i wish I was there. Did you get to not do anything for a long time? That makes it all the better. No school well kind of. Just remember that rainmaker's are dangerous. :) Caelen, keep smiling please. Your nickname was sunshine for a reason. Well Rachel, good for you on going to the football game. Keep it up and you will have a ton of school pride before you know it. Also those rodeos sound great. The horses must have been really fun to watch. Tell Bethany hi for me and also tell her that I really enjoy the horse meat up here. (It really is good) :) Well keep up being a good friend to pudge. I really like that dog. He is so friendly. So Rebecca, it sounds like college is just being as great as ever. Just keep on working hard and as long as you ask the Lord for help he will help you do anything. Just remember that without him that you are by yourself. You also have to remember that the only one that will leave is you and not him. He is always standing in the same spot, it is us that moves. So also just keep up on being a great cousin. You are so popular!!!! :) So this week I was really thinking about just how true our church must be. Even people here in Mongolia, who hardly even know that idea of Christianity say our church is wrong compared to all the other churches here. It just proved in my mind that only the true church of God would get this much persecution. And to be honest I feel like our church is just at the beginning of it all. But God will always help us as long as we stay strong to him. Little girls have a great week and I love you all. Love Elder Williams
Dear Kristalyn,
To be honest my English classes aren't really that fun or cool. It is just whatever. But it would be interesting to have you over for a day. I think you would ace the class. So I am so impressed with you and the Chubby Bunny game. I never thought you and your big mouth could ever pull it off. Just kidding Kiki!!!! :) I am just kidding!!!! Please don't tickle me when I get back for that comment!! Anyway that really is impressive. SO to answer your question about a mission there is never down time unless you plan it on P-day. It is always go go go. I have only taken about 3 naps on my mission. Two because I was sick. The other one was planned on a P-Day. So I do miss naps every once and a while but I will just wait and be obedient. Hey about your major don't worry about it. You just keep on taking the classes you feel impressed to take. The Lord has a plan for you Kristalyn, and he is trying to shape you the best he can to fit into that plan. Just relax and stay close to the Lord. He will help you. Well I really am glad that you are having a good time up at BYU. Just curious but I wonder if you are still going out right now with a guy pretty steadily right? I really would like to know about him or whatever is going on. Well good luck and just keep on being yourself. I love you and caikhan amaraarai. (Good night) Love Elder Williams

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