enjoyed all the pictures and testimonies. Also the CD was absolutely
wonderful. I forgot to tell the girls but they sound so good in the
songs they sang. My companion didn't realize it was my sisters until
I told him and when he learned about it he was shocked at how
wonderful they sounded. I actually forgot to tell them this in my
email so they can learn about it from this one. The shoes are really
good and should last me until the end of my mission. SO the weather
is getting pretty cold over here and right now a little snow has
fallen but thankfully it has melted away (Or blown away, anyways it
just disappeared) We set a baptismal date with an investigator who is
doing absolutely wonderful. She came and took notes on all of General
Conference. She should hopefully be baptized next month. We also
found another boy who was just walking down the street that my
companion talked to. His sister actually is an inactive member and at
the time we didn't know that. Anyway he seems to want to learn and
hopefully we can get a progressing investigator out of him. So this
morning I had two Russian ladies steal my spot on the bus. Not really
but they just didn't know how to ride on a Mongolian bus really well.
It is funny being here. I have seen and met people all over the world
here. I have shaken a Saudi Arabians hand, talked to people from
England, bumped into Russians, had French people live next to me even
an American ward missionary. It is so funny to think that all the way
over here in little Mongolia there are this many people from different
countries here. Not to mention all of the Chinese and Koreans I have
seen. and Kazaks. Well me and my companion are doing fine. Also
being able to hear General Conference was absolutely amazing. Elder
Neuberger and me went on a short transfer and went and watched it in
English at the center building. Normally all of the English speakers
go to the Bayanzurk building to watch conference. Anyway that was
wonderful and it made me really thankful for a living prophet. I
could feel the spirit so strongly throughout the entire conference and
I was so sad when the last speaker finished. I have come to love
conferences. SO this week I really thought about what Elder Holland
said about who do we love. We truly need to ask this question
throughout out lives. Well this week has been a pretty good week and
I am so thankful for all of your support. It looks like the VISA
thing is doing well so far so I am so thankful for your prayers. But
it isn't over yet. so anyway thank you for everything. It sounds
like your week was great this week. Sometimes normal weeks are great.
So I love you and good luck. Love Elder Williams
Dear Little Girls,I love hearing from all of you. So this week was pretty good
for me and I learned a lot of things. But to be honest it really was
the same as all the other weeks of the mission. Though last night we
set a baptismal date with a really great investigator. She actually
came yesterday and watched all of conference and took great notes.
She is doing well and is truly hungering after the word of God. It is
really wonderful to see and I can see the spirit changing her
everyday. Another good thing is we found a young man that seems like
he could have some potential. We were just walking down the street
and my companion talked to him. Later we found out that his sister
had joined the church years ago and was really inactive. So we found
an inactive member and a new investigator. Hopefully that goes well.
So I got to watch conference this week. It was absolutely fantastic.
I felt the spirit the entire conference. I absolutely loved Elder
Holland's talk and also President Monson's and President Eyring's and
President Uchtdorf's and so on and so on. I really liked all of them
to be honest. I just know that I was really sad when it was over. I
really have become to love conference. I think the greatest thing
about this last conference was were Elder Holland kind of made up the
story about the Lord and the apostles. I have really thought about
the question, "Do you love me?" I think that we always need to
remember who are what we love and why we love it. We need to find the
love for the lord and once we find it we can never turn back just like
Elder Holland said. It got me thinking and the one thing I thought
about was that we constantly through life need to ask this question.
Then when we can truly focus on the Lord we can be happy. So that is
something that I really liked. SO it sounds like all of you are doing
great this week. Caelen, it is great to read your happy email as
always. Yeah it is beginning to get really cold here. It is
interesting to already have my ears frozen so early in the year. :)
So Keep loving those puppets. SO Rachel, you rock at frisbee. Just
show all those boys who is really the good one at frisbee. Also good
luck on the really big book. So Rebecca, You sound like you are
having a great time as always being little miss popular up at BYU. :)
JK It is too bad about the BYU game but the reason is because they
don't have you down on the field. Cameron is home in like three
months right? Not cool. My mission is ending so fast and I really
love Mongolia. Well I love all of you and I wish you the best of
luck in all of the things that you are going to do this next week.
Love you. Love Elder Williams
Dear Kristalyn,
SO this week has been pretty good but you can read about it in Mom
and Dad's email. Conference was a blast but it is beginning to get
really cold here. The river is already freezing over. That is so
cool that you are learning about other religions right now. Do you
learn about any of the Asian religions in that class? Probably not
since half of the Asians don't even understand their own religions.
SO my weight has evened out now but it is still way lower than I was
back home. My face is so much thinner and my suitcoat and winter coat
are ridiculously huge. Batbold (our building manager)(church member)
told me that I looked great and that when I got home I shouldn't gain
any weight. Hopefully I can promise to that which I have learned that
it is pretty easy to maitain a healthy weight. Just don't over eat.
But to be honest right now I could eat a ton and not have any of it
stay as fat because I walk so much that it is pretty much impossible
to put on weight here. Good luck on the taco salad and when I get
home in 9 months you should make some for me. Sorry I didn't get the
chance to talk to Odmaa last week but I will ask. Well thank you so
much for all the support and thank you for writing me. When you write
me it makes my P-Day. Well I love you and good luck up there at BYU.
I love you. Love Elder Williams

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