So this week has been pretty good. I got my short term
missionary and he is really good. His name is Elder Dulguun. The
only thing is that I am now the senior companion and it does make
things a little more stressful sometimes. I guess the Lord is just
trying to teach me. Also this week we had a nice fireside in which
some of the missionaries that were leaving bore their testimonies.
That was nice to just be able to sit back and listen and just feel the
spirit. Sometimes with all the bustle and business of missionary work
you miss the special just kind of relaxing spirit feeling. But on the
other side you see the spirit work wonders in people. So this week
has been pretty good. Not that many investigators came to church but
we will get them to come eventually. So it sounds like you are doing
well. I am also hoping for Mitt Romney to do well. Believe it or not
but everyone also knows that he is a Mormon here too. Though they
don't seem to care to much about it. So the weather is getting cold
and speaking of cold I am getting over one I got a week ago. I don't
need any new gear as far as I know so it right now don't need anything
sent over. Well life is just going here over in the mission field.
I'm glad that you could all enjoy Halloween and it sounds like you are
busy with your calling at church. Let me just say once again how
grateful I am for my parents. You both have taught me so much. Thank
you again and again. Well this next week should be pretty good. I
love you and wish you all the luck in the world. I tell you time
flies. i don't like it. Anyways I love you and have a good week.
Love Elder Williams
Dear Little sisters,
It is sooo good to hear from you again this week. I love writing
you every week. So this week has been interesting because I have
finally become senior companion and to be honest it is a little hard.
My new companion is a short term missionary and he is really good and
his name is Elder Dulguun. We have had a good few couple of days but
the thing is that i have to teach him a lot about this mission field
and the only problem is that it is a little hard to do that. So this
week has been pretty good so far and hopefully we can do some really
good work. Anyway that is what is new with me this week. Really
nothing else. Other than getting a new companion that is all this
week has had to offer. So anyways the investigators are doing okay
but right now there is no one that is progressing a lot but hopefully
we can get them growing in these next few weeks. Your week sounds
pretty good this week. Rachel, I am so proud of you doing well this
week. You are truly growing up. Just remember to always be yourself
and continue to have as much fun as you can. Those years you have are
precious and if you are not careful they will slip from your fingers.
I know that sounds a little poetic but it is true. So you are doing
great. So Caelen I loved your pictures. You look so cute and I am so
proud of you. You looked like you had a wonderful time. It sounds
like stalking the neighborhood was pretty fun. I hope you scared some
little kids for me. It really isn't that hard. Just run towards
them. :) Rebecca, it sounds like you are being as great as ever.
Just keep making those guy friends. (But you can't date them until
I'm dead) :) So that is the way it is. Also just keep feasting from
the scriptures. There is so much knowledge hidden in those pages.
Actually the knowledge is endless and you are only at the beginning of
it. I love the scriptures so much and one of my favorite times of day
is when I have the opportunity to read out of them. So I love you all
so much and I am so proud of all of you. You are all so good. Just
keep being yourselves and stay strong. :) I love you all and good
luck. Elder Williams
Dear Kristalyn,
SO this week has been pretty good. SO I have now got a short term
missionary for a companion. It is pretty good and we are doing pretty
good work. His name is Elder Dulguun and he is a good guy with a lot
of will. The only thing is that he doesn't really know that much and
I have to teach him a lot about the work and hopefully everything is
turning out good. So right now the week has gone by okay and the only
thing is that it is getting really cold here. Well it sounds like you
are having a good time down in St. George. I hope you have a great
time. Kristalyn, hey don't worry about all that anxiety stuff.
Everything will turn out okay and you don't need to worry . Anyway I
am just trying to survive this next winter and hoping that I can do
the work with my new companion. I didn't realize how much I knew
about how to teach and stuff until I got a companion that really knows
nothing at the time. I hope he picks up pretty quick so we can teach
some really great lessons. Right now I am really just trying to rely
on the Lord for help and how to do the work when I have the most
experience. TO be honest it is kind of stressful. But anyway I will
pull through. Well I love you and don't worry about life because in
the end everything will be okay. That is why we need hope in this
gospel. If we never have hope for a better world or a better self
with god's help our hearts will fail and we will fall into a
depression. So we always need hope. Kristalyn, I would suggest that
you get a preach my gospel book from like Deseret or actually there is
one at home maybe. Anyway go to chapter 6 and look up all about the
Christ Like attributes. Also look at the first of the chapter to see
how to help yourself by reading it. I think that this chapter would
really give you some peace of mind. Just remember you aren't perfect
and neither is life but it is through the gospel that we can actually
make it the way we want it. I'm serious about the preach my gospel
thing though. Please look. I love you so much and I really do miss
all of you. Keep up the good work and have some hope and everything
will be okay. I love you and good luck. Elder Williams

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