learn quite a bit this week. Well my language is coming along always.
I am also understanding quite a bit more. It is feeling good to
being able talk with people about their lives with ease. It is still
hard but it is a lot easier now if I just open up a little. I also
did a lot of service. All in one day. So first we started mixing
cement for a returned missionary in our ward boundaries. That was
quite an experience. Well I learned how to make really terrible
cement. (It was filled with a lot of dirt) Well after that we went up
and carried huge barrels of water up the mountain. That was really
hard and my hands were exhausted. Well after that we went up and dug
into the side of a mountain so we could flatten it out for a ger.
That was also quite hard especially after all the other service. Then
after me and my companion decided to finish off a hard day with more
service just to finish it all in one day. So we went and tilled a
garden with the shovels. It was quite a fun experience When I got
home I was exhausted and absolutely filthy. It felt so good to go to
sleep that night. Well we also had some great times in my new area.
My area is a lot flatter than the other area which is really cool but
I don't feel as tired due to the fact that I am not walking up
mountains (hills) anymore. They are really steep hills though.
Anyway it has been a great day so far. We also went to a puzzle
museum this last week but I couldn't grab any pictures. It was still
fun anyway. So it sounds like everything is going good at home. It
got a little colder here too but it feels like it will warm up
quickly. Well I really do feel bad for Becky. She worked so hard for
that and I wish I was there so I could hug her and make her feel
better. (She is my sister so I think I am allowed to say that) :)
But I know she did good anyway. Well this week I have got the general
conference talks and they have been wonderful to read. I am just
enjoying myself so much reading them. I feel the spirit and it makes
me feel alive and want to go and help the whole world. Sometimes it
is hard being in Mongolia because I want to talk to everyone but I am
not allowed to. I just have to make sure I am representing Jesus
Christ all the time. I am just so happy for the gospel in my life.
If there is one thing I have seen here it is just how much the lack of
the spirit affects people. It just looks like they have no purpose in
life. I am just so grateful for the purpose I have in my life. With
the purpose in life it makes me look forward to the rest of it and
makes me think of the joy to come. I love you all and I thank you for
your prayers and examples. I love you and good luck.
Love, Elder Williams

Dear Little Sisters,
So this week has been pretty good. So this week I went back to my old
area on a split and that was fun and I also managed to teach an
investigator the first lesson. That was really cool to see. Also two
days ago we did an entire day of service. That was pretty hard.
First we went and mixed cement for a returned missionary in our
branch. Let's just say that is was quite heavy. Next, we had an
elder from another branch call us for some help to carry some water
for some investigators. It ended up being really hard carrying up all
that water up the side of an mountain. Then the sisters called and
said they had a little service that some of their investigators
needed. So we went up to the side of the mountain and dug into it to
flatten the land out for a ger. Then finally at the end of the day we
went and helped a less active member with her garden. When we got
home we were so sore and exhausted. The good thing was that we
managed to get it all done in one day. SO that was the highlight for
my week. So Rachel, you are out of school. I hope you have a good
time and I also hope that you keep running. Being healthy is a good
thing to be!!! I know you are pretty much already healthy so know
that wasn't a fat joke. Also tell me how that book is that you are
reading. Well Caelen the six pack might happen if I put more will
into it. It is just so hard to get up in the morning and do sit ups.
By the way good job on giving a talk in sacrament meeting. I'm sure
you did great. I am really proud of you. So Rebecca, I admit what
happened to you really just made me depressed. I know how that would
have felt. I also would have felt just sad. Rebecca, just know that
it doesn't matter what the world thinks. First, Heavenly Father knows
who you are and your talents and that is more important than anything
else. Second, you know who you are and you know how hard you tried.
Even if others couldn't hear you, you sang your hardest and that is
what matters. Third, just know that people do know you are a
wonderful girl. Rebecca if there is one thing I could say to you I
would say that you are an example for so many people. It doesn't
matter if they couldn't hear you. Yes it would have been nice if you
had been able to have people hear you but know that the most important
people know who you are. Rebecca don't you worry about how people
look at you. But I do think that they look at you in a way you can't
even see. Just relax and know that Heavenly Father, our family,your
friends and me love you. Well little girls I love you all and I wish
that all of you will have a wonderful time. Just enjoy the summer and
don't stress. Just take a deep breath and keep on moving. I learned
that even if life feels like it is moving too fast all you have to do
is realize that life was meant to move forward. Without moving
forward we would never learn or progress. I love you and good luck.
Love Elder Williams
Dear Kristalyn,
Thank you so much for the email. I hope you are having a good summer.
Please help Rebecca feel better. I love all of you so much and when
something like that happens to one of you it almost wants to make me
cry. Just comfort her and have fun with her. So I am so grateful for
your example. I really hope you are doing well at the temple. The
joy involved in the gospel is just amazing. I was reading the Liahona
today and it just made me look forward to sooo much of the blessings
ahead. The blessings of a family, of raising children, of going to
the temple and much much more. If you look at life in one aspect it
makes life look like a wonderful experience. We just have to look at
the eternal perspective. That is the most important thing. I love
you and I miss you and I wish you luck. by the way that picture of
Ulaanbaatar is actually a dust storm no clouds. well good luck and I
love you. Elder Williams
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