Dear Mom and Dad,
At first I will answer your questions so I don't forget them. So,
my branch is a really strong branch. Many good member are in it and
try really hard to live the gospel. I don't really need anything to
give to the youth or anything like that but the one thing I would like
is a testimony about how the gospel has helped each of you. I will
translate them and if they will help an investigator then I will use
it to help them. I might not even do that, it all depends what the
spirit prompts me but I would still like each of your testimonies.
Dad, the Mongolian Elders have complete proselyting freedom in
Mongolia. They can do anything. It is just us. We can not approach
people on the street and talk to them but if they ask us questions we
are allowed to answer. The hard part is that we are a full time
missionary and even though we have a space of about two hours a day we
teach english, we still meet with just as many people as the
Mongolians. We still go out and work out in our area every day the
whole day and we get new investigators through referrals. In fact
yesterday I just placed a referral that hopefully will go well. He
seemed eager to meet us on the phone. They also do have a Called to
Serve in Mongolian. Well this week we met with a few people but
recently our investigators have kind of dropped in numbers. Just none
of them seem to progress that well. We have one really good
investigator that went to the countryside that sounds like he could be
golden but in Mongolia the biggest curse is people randomly leaving to
go camping for three months. Well apart from that the area is doing
pretty good. This week we dug a out house and we also moved a ger.
It was all in one day and we all ended up really muddy but it was
really fun to get to see the people in our branches. Well the thing I
learned today that really kind of struck me was just how much that
Heavenly Father gives us in order to make us grow. I looked back on
my life this morning and realized just how much He has done for me.
He has given me grandparents that are strong in the gospel. He has
given parents that have taught me all about the gospel and how to be a
good person. He has given me wonderful siblings. He has put me in a
ward where He knew I would have great examples. He sent me on a
mission to where He knew I would have to grow the most. I admit on
this mission I have been really humbled. I realize now just how much
we need to rely on the Lord in everyday lives. I also realized that
God will always provide a way for us to do things he command us. I
realize just how much God is trying to make each of us one of his
"precious stones" Well it sounds like all the things at home are
going alright. I hope that my room is okay even though I admit right
now I don't really care. I have kind of stopped caring about things I
own. One of the things in Mongolia is that everyone is very sharing.
Now I still have to watch out on how much I give out, but I feel the
Lord has placed me here to say "Hey Elder Williams, stop caring so
much about thing that don't matter." Well it sounds like all of you
are doing great at home and I wish you all luck. I am thankful for
your prayers and I want you to know that I pray for all of you too. I
love you and I wish you all good luck.
Love Elder Williams
Dear Little Sisters,
SO little girls how is life? SO this week has been pretty good
but it was also really muddy out in my area. My nice sunday shoes got
a little less nicer. To be honest I might have to take them into a
shoe fixer pretty quickly. The funny thing is that there are shoe
fixers like on every block. We met with a lot of people and my
language skills are still coming along. I am really beginning to
understand just about everything someone says to me even though I
can't quite repeat back the grammar they used. So my companion
started teaching at a little preschool this week so I get to sit in
the back and try to remember the vocab I learned before. So this week
I really learned that Heavenly Father really cares about us. This
morning I realized just how much God has really given to us. He
really cares about each of us. He has given me a wonderful life
despite the trials and things that I experience. He has given me a
life that when I look back at it so far, I realize just how much He
has had a hand in my life. It was just a really spiritual experience
this morning. Well I just want all of you to really take a good long
hard look at your life and just see what He has given each of you.
Once you see one thing, it just keeps coming and before to long the
spirit is testifying to you that God has let you experience all these
things to make you grow. I would like each of you to try and just
really see God's hand in your life and how He is trying to develop
each one of you. He is trying to make each one of you His jewels. It
is kind of like Dad grinding. It takes quite a bit of time to make
each stone shine and it is that process through which Heavenly Father
is leading each of you. Well, I am glad that you are all having a
good day. Caelen, it sounds like you are having a good day. By the
way if that is your new hair style in the picture you sent me you look
great!! and if it isn't then I'm sure that looks great too!! Well
Rebecca I like how you anticipated the jokes I would have made about
you in the email. The thing is, that before you can get into limbo
you have to jump high enough to get in and I just don't see you doing
that. :) So Rachel, it sounds like you are having a great week and
a lot of good experiences. I can just see in your email how much you
have grown in one year. It really is quite interesting. SO it sounds
like all of you tried to ruin my bedroom. But if you had kept the
water on you could have gone swimming down in my room. That sounds
like that would be fun. SO my little sisters, just keep your light
shining before men and remember that I love you and I wish you all the
luck in the world. Love Elder Williams
Dear Kristalyn,
It is so great to hear from you. It sounds like you are having a
great week.
:) So this week has been great but muddy. I will send a few more
pictures next week of me in the mud. You and a car sounds just great.
You should keep it for meeeeee!! JK kind of. Well that is really
cool and it would be really cool to have it with Rebecca. So just
forget whatever is happening between you and your friends. Don't let things
like that bother you. You should try having a companion that you
don't like. You can't get away from them. :) Anyway so things are
going fine here in Mongolia. I am just as the Mongolians say it
baij lth bain. SO know also that you will see Mousie more so don't
get to sad. He will always be here because you know what, he is me.
So tonight we get to have a FHE and I am excited. I wish you luck and
I love you. Love Elder Williams
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