Sorry about the short email last week. I didn't really want to do that but in order to stay obedient I had to. So what happened was that we went up to the country because several of the Mongolian sisters that we are all good friends with were being released the next week. So we went up played some games ate some food and it turned out really nice. Well this week has been good but also depressing. Soo I will tell you the hard part. SO our great investigator named Odmaa has some doubts and might possibly not be baptized. We gave her until Wednesday to decide. We think that she has realized all the responsibility involved with becoming a church member and we think that it is scaring her. She actually meditates and that was one of the issues. In meditation all you have to do is sit and never act. In the gospel it is all about acting. If we don't act and do something then we can never be blessed. Well that is the only sad thing. Well on a lighter note, I lost my key this week and so we had to stay the night over and another elders apartment one night. That was pretty fun. Also we found a store that sells turkey but it is going out of business in the next several weeks so we might not get any. The only thing you can get here is fresh beef, mutton, horse (yes they eat horse and yes it is a really good meat) (don't tell Bethany) goat and bagged chicken. But sadly not turkey. Oh well. Well we also found a pancake mix this last week which was really good. Soo I might only have a few months left due to VISA issues so I was thinking about like souvenirs and gifts for all of you. So there are some really cool stuff and some of the good gifts are in the area of 20-25 dollars. Though if anyone is wanting a fur hat that is about 45 dollars. (I think that is still pretty cheap for real mink hats) (they are real) So I will try to get you some things but if you want anything cool you can put a little on the card and tell me how much you put and than I can get something for you all that is pretty cool. Also I can't check my card here on any ATM and if you would be so willing to send me my balance next week. I pulled some out because I might get a few new white shirts. It is almost cheaper buying them here than pulling that guarantee thing at the Missionary mall and having to send it all the way over here. but there is one more thing. I really have been thinking and I might need some new good shoes. I don't need them now but I will take a picture of the old bad ones, you can send that up to the missionary mall and then they will send you a new pair of shoes. Now the problem is that shipping is expensive and you would have to ship it back to me but you can send them in December with my Christmas package. You really don't need to give much and I would be happy with just the shoes for Christmas. So I will think about that in the next several weeks. Well now that this is over....the work is going good and we had 6 new potential investigators show up to church last week. It has been good and we are having a blast here in Unur. Everything is turning out pretty good (despite Odmaa). I teach in a few weeks and well I will just keep doing my hardest. I love you all and wish you all the best of luck. Love Elder Williams
Dear Little Girls,
So this week has been pretty good but a little bit of a downer at the same time. My golden investigator named Odmaa, well she just got some doubts and planned a out of nowhere trip to India for 6 months and she leaves this next Monday. She isn't sure if she wants to get baptized anymore. I am really kind of down about it because she was like my favorite investigator and I taught her pretty much from the beginning of the lessons. We gave her a few days to think it over and pray about it. She decides Wednesday. Well apart from that it was a pretty good week. It rained a lot this week but it has been ok weather. We did have like 6 new potential investigators come to church this last week. That was pretty cool. I am still in Unur with my old companion and we are doing just fine. The work is continuing and so I will eventually get the investigators I want. We also have a few other really good investigators but they just need to come to church. So Caelen, I love your little smiley faces. They are really cool. Hey, spanish class will be awesome. But most important if you really want to learn some good spanish do some practice and learning on your own. I can honestly tell you the best way to learn a language is to learn stuff by yourself. (Plus your dad knows really good spanish) Also ceramics is awesome and I think you will do well. You were always good at that kind of stuff. Don't worry about school, if you are happy everyday will be good. Rachel, you got your patriarchal blessing. That is so cool. That blessing can guide you the rest of your life. Just always remember how special that blessing is and what it told you to do. That blessing literally comes straight from heaven to you. Heavenly Father has personally given that blessing to you. SO good job on kayaking. That is something that always scared me when I was young. Rebecca, you da man....well...sort of. So college. That is so weird to think that you will be more experienced with college than me when I get back. Chi shuuu. (once again ....your the man.) PROVO!!!!!! ahhhhhhh I am kind of freaking out. Don't date tooooo much. By the way Caelen, I do remember that you are turning 16. Happy early birthday and you also are not allowed to date that much. Every guy that you two (I can't believe I have to say "two" now) date has to send a personal email to me telling me what he wants to do with his life and so forth. :) (Rachel when you turn 16 I may be at home but he still has to do the same thing) :) Well girls I love you all and just good luck out there in life. Remember to turn to the Lord in times of trouble and he will direct thy paths. I love you and good luck. Love Elder Williams
Dear Kristalyn,
Sooooo, I saw your car and let me just say it looks cooler than I imagined it. Good job!!! I looks like you will have a blast with it. So that whole Las Vegas thing sounds fun though it sounds like the strip was absolutely disgusting. Yeah, unfortunately that stuff exists and it is a shame on mankind. Once you go out of Utah you do really become thankful for Utah itself. I am thankful everyday I was born there. Well, I have heard that Celine Dion was one of the best live voices ever. One of my MTC group members is a huge fan of hers. So the mission is going good. Becca is getting married. It is kind of weird to say that my old mads partner will be married in a few months. Tell her congratulations for me. So I really don't know about my VISA yet but it won't come up until November. Though if you want any cool souvenirs I can probably get some for you. I don't really have that much money but if you really want something and you put some money on my card tell me how much you put and than I will spend that on you plus extra if I can get any. I am starting to worry about souvenir stuff lately seeing that I could go in a few months. So I haven't baptized anyone yet but our golden investigator who was going to get baptized just kind of backed out because she got some doubts. We are letting her decide until Wednesday and unfortunately she is going to India the following Monday. Well the work moves on. So don't worry about me and though I might not be having the success of some of the other Elders around the world I know that the lord sent me here for a reason. Well I love you and just keep up the great work back at home. Good luck. Love Elder Williams PS I will try to get pictures today to you. or dad.

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