Dear Mom and Dad,
This week ended up really happy!!! So Odmaa decided to get baptized and it was really wonderful. I also was given the opportunity to baptize her and it was really special. She said later that it was one of the best nights of her entire life. She was more happier there than at any other time. She is still going to India next week but she might come back early. Even if she doesn't she still plans on going to church in India and she told us herself. It was really neat and it all worked out despite the stress and depression I had for a few days. So anyways we also found this great new investigator. She is really strong, comes to church, and is reading from her Book of Mormon everyday. She is great and we will set a baptismal date with her next time for sure. The work in this ward is definitely a little better than my last two areas. Well the work here is going great and also we are just doing good too. So it sounds like your week was pretty crazy. Well I have to apologize in the middle of my letter. I will not be able to send pictures this week due to a power outage in the middle of this letter. Luckily my draft saved but I don't have the time to send pictures due to it. So it was good wait and we got the power back. So your week did sound pretty crazy. I hope Kristalyn and Becky enjoy themselves. I can just imagine this little Kristalyn driving around a car. All you can see is her little red hair just barely above the window. :) Just kidding but it would be funny to see her. I will get pictures to you next week for the shoes and my baptism and a few more fun things. Well despite the week being stressful at least you are done with it for a while. I know that whenever transfers come around here it is fun to see the new area but I (in Brother Tawa's words several years ago) would rather poke my eyes out than move again. Well at least you are all done. Well I wish you the best of luck and I love you all. Love Elder Williams
Dear Little Sisters,
So this week has been........GREAT!!! My investigator named Odmaa met with us and decided to get baptized. I baptized her and it was a great experience. She told us afterward that it was one of the happiest moments of her life. I was so happy and we also found like a golden investigator like the next day and she is already reading the book of mormon. It has been so fun to see the success here in this ward. Well let me just say that that really made me happy. Well, apart from that it is starting to get cold here in Mongolia again. It makes me a little depressed and also all the Mongolians are saying that this next year is supposed to be really cold and that last year was actually pretty warm. minus 40 is warm?!!! Well I am just working hard here in the land of Mongolia. We also talked this week with a ton of people (a few were a little drunk). So this week has been really good. So it sounds like your week was crazy. Caelen, don't worry. The first couple weeks of school are always a little hard. And drivers ed...yakh uu dee. (nothing much) You can do it. It shouldn't be hard and if you just go you will pass. You will have to send me your first day of school pictures. Just smile and keep on truckin. Chi chadnaa!!! You can do it. By the way I looove your little smiley faces. Just remember those when you get a little down. Well Rebecca, good luck up at college. You can do anything!!!! (If you noticed I am trying to get all of you girls excited for school in this email) chi bas chadnaa. You also can do it!!! Well college will be great for you. And you can date lots of guys (remember my policy) :) Well good luck and don't kill your older sister. :) So Rachel you are indexing. Chi shuu. Keep up the good work. Don't worry about not having a lot of friends in your other classes. In just gives you an opportunity to make more. Also remember that the easiest way to make friends is to ask them questions about themselves. You may ask anything and they will think that you are friendly. I have learned that in Mongolian. Just ask them questions and smile. They will love you!!!!! :) So I love you all and just keep up the good work. Good luck and you are all the shuu.
Dear Kristalyn,
This week was awesome!!! SO that investigator that we thought would not get baptized came to church and she decided that it was what she needed to do. So I baptized her the next day and it was the happiest moment in her life. It was my first baptism and it was really special to do. It was a blast and in the end she is still going to go to India but told us that she has decided to be faithful to the church down there. It will be so cool for her. Well we also found this other woman that is a great investigator and she is already reading from the book of Mormon and the area is becoming a little more successful. So this week has been a little cold and it just reminds me that this winter is supposed to be colder than the last one. That is so cool that Rebecca moved up. It should be fun for the both of you. SO speaking about spreading the gospel to the four corners of the earth did you know that there are internet missionaries that serve on the MTC grounds. Just an interesting fact. They seem to have good success there. So the piano lessons are doing well even though it is hard to teach in Mongolian. They just kind of follow what I tell them to do and it eventually clicks in their heads. I have gotten sunburned a few times here in Mongolia but let me just say that I have a wonderful wrist watch tan. It just proves to me that red heads can tan a little. So the work is going on here and it is always such a blessing to see it going. Well about your anxiety just don't worry about it. I hope you are taking your medicine and if you are not take it but sometimes the human mind just does thing like that. Just remember that you can always pull strength from Jesus Christ's Atonement and he can give you his grace to help you accomplish anything that you didn't think was possible. I read a talk from Elder Bednar that says that if we pray and instead of us asking the Lord to change the situation we need to ask the Lord to strengthen us so we can change the situation. It is a great talk about grace and the atonement. Well just keep living life in your great way!! Good luck and I love you. Love Richie

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