Monday, December 3, 2012

Dear Mom and Dad,
    Anyway today we played basketball after the dentist so I'm writing a little later but anyway today turned out okay.  So as I said before during thanksgiving we went to one of our members homes to have a little food.  So we went there and she ended up giving us like a huge bowl of horse meat and rice and mashed potatoes.  I finished the whole thing with a lot of struggle.  It was really hard also because she bought each of us a huge thing of juice which we both finished and we also drank milk with a whole bunch of pastries.  When we left there we could only barely walk and my stomach literally physically hurt.  So we literally babystepped down the mountain to the bus stop and during the bus ride I felt so full.  So then we went to our next appointment which was actually to make our thanksgiving chicken with an older sister but we told her we had eaten so much that we couldn't eat again and so we set that appointment for another time.  Well then I sat at the mission home for a while and my companion finished his missionary application (or at least some of it) Well by then it was night and our next appointment was to meet with a member who to be honest is a really cool guy.  He is literally seven feet tall and speaks fluent English and studied in America for a while.  So he is also a very well to do business man.  So he picked us up in his car and we drove across the city to a really really really nice part of town (I'm talking about millionaires here) and we went to a really quiet expensive restaurant.  And for the first time since my mission I had lasagna.  It was sooooooo good.  I didn't realize just how much I missed that kind of food.  Anyway it was really nice and it was really nice to be able to have a wonderful conversation with him.  He actually knows more about American politics than I do at the moment.  Anyway my thanksgiving turned out very nice.  So anyway the rest of the week was also good.  We are meeting with an investigator tonight and hopefully that all turns out good.  Well it sounds like your week was pretty good.  I am so jealous of the weather over there.  Here I am trying to brush the ice of my eyelashes and you are all playing badminton.  So it is really cold over here.  Pretty quick I will have to switch to my huge winter boots.  So today was really fun playing basketball.  So having lost weight it has increased my jumping ability and I feel that if I worked on it I could possibly dunk the ball.  Right now it is actually quite easy to jump and grab the rim.  So who knows?  Anything could happen.  Well I did win today in basketball against a whole bunch of guys that just kind of walked in and played with us.  That was really fun because they really don't know how to guard a really big guy.  the style of basketball over here is completely different and the first couple of months it was really hard to get used to but in the end it actually works out to my advantage.  The funny thing is that when we play a half court game the moment someone misses anyone can rebound it and score so if you are really tall that really works to your advantage.  So anyway that was fun today.  So to answer a few questions.  So I've have spoken in church a few times which to be honest is kind of hard because they as you know literally ask you during the program to speak.  But it is okay.  Me and my companion are doing fine and we are just trying to get our investigators to church.  So another elder is teaching my English class on P-days which is bad for him but good for me.  But he only has to teach 3 hours a week.  I still have 9.  I can't believe Cameron is almost home.  Time absolutely flies.  I get a little sad when I think about that.  But whatever.  6 weeks.  I remember a year or two ago thinking about how long that seems.  But it is truly nothing in time.  Well I love you all and I wish you all the best of luck this next week.  I love you and have a good day or night.  Love Elder Williams

Dear Little Girls,
     So it was so wonderful to hear from all of you.  This week was pretty good and to be honest it is starting to get pretty cold.  The ice chunks on my eye lashes are proof of that.  So anyways it is cold.  But my new coat is really warm and really thick and I look like a marshmallow.  But the style here is quite different and so looking like a marshmallow is actually acceptable here.  SO other than that we had two investigators come to church which was really nice.  We are meeting with one of them tonight.  Also we found an in-active member this past week and we managed to get her to go to church.  And she enjoyed it.  So that was really cool.  So it sounds like your lives are doing really well.  Rachel, it sounds like the movie was really good.  I have always wondered how that would turn out.  Rachel, you have grown up a lot and I can tell from the emails I get from you.  Your writing style has changed and you are sounding more different every week.  But this is a good thing.  So you are so cool.  Also good job on the Christmas lights.  Also just keep living the good life and sleeping a lot.  Sleeping is wonderful and something I feel like I haven't enjoyed in a long time.  But it is also good to get up at 6:30.  Kind of.  :)  So keep up the great work.  Caelen you have grown up a lot too.  I admit I am excited to see all the growth you have been through.  It will be strange but I really also want to see all the changes that have gone on.  SO good job.  Well I admit I busted up laughing thinking about Rebecca panicking hanging on to a gutter.  Wish you had got pictures of that.  Good job on the Christmas lights.  Also don't worry.  My mouth isn't frozen.  Well I love you both and I'll leave with you one cool scripture.  D&C 64:33-34  "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work.  And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days"  The reason I like this scripture is that it tells us that we should never grow tired of doing good things.  We are making this church stronger by doing service and helping others and we need to never get discouraged.  Because even if we do just little things we are making something big.  Many little things add to very big things.  All the Lord wants is for us to want to serve him and try to serve him.  ANd then if we do this we will truly eat the good of the land of zion in these last days or in other words we will be blessed with an abundance of blessings from god and he will help us in any situation.  So girls never give up on doing good even when others don't appreciate it.  So this next week just try opzyour best to help people around you.  I know you can and I know you are doing it now.  I love you so much and I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving.  I love you again and good luck.  Love Elder Williams

Dear Kristalyn,  Thanks for writing me.  TO be honest the thing I love the most is just being able to hear from you whether it be short or long.  Well this week was very nice and I actually ate a ton of food over thanksgiving.  Anyways you can read about that in my other email.  So I have been warm especially in my new coat.  It is really big.  So don't you worry about that.  But to be honest the ice on my eyelashes is getting annoying.  So the work is good.  So this week I was just thinking about how close the Lord's second coming really is.  I am really excited for it but I don' t know if it will happen in my lifetime or not.  But I am really excited for it.  So that was kind of a cool thought.  Also so far I haven't slipped and fallen yet but I know that it is only a matter of time.  We actually had a sister missionary slip and break her ankle a few days ago.  But thankfully she is still up and moving.  SO have a wonderful day and just know that I love you soooooo much.  Love Elder Williams

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