So this week was really good. So actually this sunday we had a
new investigator show up that we invited to come to church several
days ago. I didn't actually think she would ever come but all of a
sudden she is meeting with us. I hope that she felt the spirit and
that she will continue to want to meet with us. also this week was
pretty good because one of our new members 8 year old daughters got
baptized. It was wonderful to be able to see her get baptized. So
also today my short term missionary is going to be traded for another
short term missionary so that should be interesting. Well it was
really cold this week. Supposedly -22 farenheit. The good news is
that first, I am not feeling too cold and second, I have not fallen
yet on all of the solid ice. Me and another elder are having a
competition to see who can last the longest. Well that is really all
that happened this week. Well pretty soon we will be talking over
skype. I can't wait and am just glad to get the chance to be able to
talk to all of you again. So that reminds me that you should send me
your or kristalyn's skype address. that might make things easier.
so it sounds like all of you are doing good. I am really interested
in that whole china thing. that is sooooo cool. That might actually
really have an effect on all of the people here in Mongolia.
Mongolians speak english well russian well and chinese pretty well.
So who knows. So it sounds like everything over there is still warm.
Sorry I won't be able to write a lot but just know that i am having a
wonderful day and week. I love you and wish you all the best of luck.
Love Elder Williams
Dear Little Sisters,
Too save on time today I will just talk to you two and you can read
about my week in the other bigger email. So you two sound like you
are having fun. I remember going down and watching Bonanza late at
night and sometimes we hid it from Dad. :) That really seems like
yesterday for me. To be honest it is really kind of weird because it
is like that time back at home was put on pause for me. In my mind it
is really weird to think that things are all changing back at home.
But I can't wait to talk to you over skype in a few weeks. It should
be a blast. So Caelen, I'm glad that you and pizza and ice-cream and
a movie go well together. Just remember to eat some extra pizza for
me!!!! Hey, Caelen, don't you worry about school. School is just
something in life we all have to do and to be honest if you want to
enjoy school you will and if you don't want to you won't. I remember
that as I moved up the grades in highschool that I really began to
enjoy it. You will too eventually. So just relax and do your best
and most of all pray. That way Heavenly Father can consecrate your
performance unto you. (I don't think I really got the wording on that
right so forgive me) :) Rachel, you sound like you are doing good.
I hope that movie was really good. Also you are right about the whole
mormon thing. We need to say our church's name but also for example
if someone does call us a mormon we need to straight up accept it and
say "yes sirree I'm a mormon" (that was a little cheesy) So anyway
just keep up the good work and always remember that your heavenly
father loves you. You two have a wonderful week. Love Elder

Dear Kristalyn,
So it sounds like your week was awesome. So don't worry you can
learn about my week in my big email. Also I was planning on sending
some really cool pictures today tegsen chin my companion is leaving
and I am getting another short term missionary for two weeks and I
became busy today. So anyway I promise I think about you and your
pictures everyday. Just be thankful that I still have my camera.
Elder Stranski my mtc companion has lost his camera twice. So anyway
this week has been pretty good for me. Did I ever tell you that when
I learned that information about mom's cancer in the MTC I cried in
the bathroom too? It was a very interesting time for me and I still
see how much God was teaching me. I kind of miss the MTC every once
and a while. It was a truly wonderful spot. The spirit is there sooo
strong. Dad told me before my mission the the Holy Ghost truly walks
those halls. and I can testify to what he said. The spirit truly
does walk those sacred halls in the MTC. Anyways just a little bit of
a flash back for me. So I hope everything turns out okay for you and
Rhett. I recently read a wonderful article in one of the older
ensigns about picking someone to marry. It was really good and next
time I will give you the reference to it but don't worry too much
about all of this. Just keep up the good work up there and BYU and I
don't know if we will ever be up there together but if we are I can't
wait. Well I love you and just to let you know in Mongolia the
Christmas here is called new years and to be honest nothing happens on
Dec. 25. Kind of depressing right? They also have no idea of any of
the meanings of half the christmas stuff they put up. It is all for
new years. So I am so grateful for the chance to have a wonderful
sister like you and I wish you the best of luck. Love Elder Williams
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