Dear Mom and Dad,
So Mom........ Happy Birthday to you!!!!! Happy Birthday to
you!!!!! Happy Birthday dear Mommy!!!!!!! Happy Birthday to
You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. So if I heard correctly you are now 51?!!!
Wow!!!!! SO anyway I really hope you had a wonderful birthday. I
love you and appreciate you soooo much. So first about my week. SO I
started out the week with a new companion. His name is Elder
Gantogtoh and he is a wonderful young man and he will be a wonderful
full time missionary. But another Elder in my district named Elder
Neuberger joined us as a threesome for several weeks because his short
term missionary had a health problem and he had to go home. So for
the last week we have been working in two areas teaching two englishs
and going to choir practice for out short term missionary. This week
has been hectic. and on top of that I am moving away from unur this
Friday. i am moving to the Hailaast branch and will be the new
district leader there. My new companion will be Elder Robbins from
Las Angeles. Also it is official that there will be more americans
sent to Mongolia if they can get visas. Well also this week I slipped
and fell :( But I came in second place out of the competition. It
was funny. So that day we went up to an area in my area called zuun
salaa. Well we went up there and our feet were so cold that it
literally almost hurt to walk. but after a few minutes of fast
walking they kind of warmed up. So as our feet were freezing my
companion Elder Neuberger started jumping up and around to warm up his
feet. But as he did so he slipped on the solid ice street and fell
and that was when I came in second place. Unfortunately that same
night I slipped and fell while literally just standing. AS I said
before the roads are literally just solid ice. When I was back in
Chingeltei we actually saw a man ski down a whole mountain. .....but
he only had shoes on. So I finally have fallen. That is so cool to
know that you are all still doing the wss, and I hope that you are all
spreading the christmas joy. That is neat to know that you are with
talking with Carmen mom. It will really help her when she finally is
brought the chance to listen to the gospel. Well I actually managed
to read Cameron's letter about the puppy before this I actually read
Cameron's letter and it is good to know that we are in in reality the
same people. :)) So I can't believe that he is almost done. That is
crazy fast. Well my release date is going to be the last week of July
probably the 31st. I figure it is okay to say it now because all of
the other elders are. So anyways it will be just about 2 years. So I
am glad that BYU beat Utah. I can go now and rub that in to the faces
of a few elders. Just kidding I would never do that. :) Don't worry
about the shirts. It will be fine if they are thinner. To be honest
the thicker materialed shirts are harder to clean. Well the weather
is sooo cold here that when you open a door to a warm house the entire
thing acts like you do when you breath. You just see all this mist
and steam from the warm air touching the cold air. It is pretty cool.
Also you know it is cold when you step into a nice inside warm gym
and realize that you can still see your breath. So I played some
basketball and actually did pretty good. Well everything else is just
normal this week. Except we really haven't taught that many lessons
this week due to just the hectic schedule. Well I don't know if you
sent me a package as of yet or not but it sounds like I got one just
now. That is what one of the elders just told me. Well thanks for
everything and I love you all so much. By the way, Mom could you send
me the recipe to your homemade hot chocolate. I found some cocoa and
am really wanting to use it. Well I love you both and good luck.
Love Elder Williams
you!!!!! Happy Birthday dear Mommy!!!!!!! Happy Birthday to
You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. So if I heard correctly you are now 51?!!!
Wow!!!!! SO anyway I really hope you had a wonderful birthday. I
love you and appreciate you soooo much. So first about my week. SO I
started out the week with a new companion. His name is Elder
Gantogtoh and he is a wonderful young man and he will be a wonderful
full time missionary. But another Elder in my district named Elder
Neuberger joined us as a threesome for several weeks because his short
term missionary had a health problem and he had to go home. So for
the last week we have been working in two areas teaching two englishs
and going to choir practice for out short term missionary. This week
has been hectic. and on top of that I am moving away from unur this
Friday. i am moving to the Hailaast branch and will be the new
district leader there. My new companion will be Elder Robbins from
Las Angeles. Also it is official that there will be more americans
sent to Mongolia if they can get visas. Well also this week I slipped
and fell :( But I came in second place out of the competition. It
was funny. So that day we went up to an area in my area called zuun
salaa. Well we went up there and our feet were so cold that it
literally almost hurt to walk. but after a few minutes of fast
walking they kind of warmed up. So as our feet were freezing my
companion Elder Neuberger started jumping up and around to warm up his
feet. But as he did so he slipped on the solid ice street and fell
and that was when I came in second place. Unfortunately that same
night I slipped and fell while literally just standing. AS I said
before the roads are literally just solid ice. When I was back in
Chingeltei we actually saw a man ski down a whole mountain. .....but
he only had shoes on. So I finally have fallen. That is so cool to
know that you are all still doing the wss, and I hope that you are all
spreading the christmas joy. That is neat to know that you are with
talking with Carmen mom. It will really help her when she finally is
brought the chance to listen to the gospel. Well I actually managed
to read Cameron's letter about the puppy before this I actually read
Cameron's letter and it is good to know that we are in in reality the
same people. :)) So I can't believe that he is almost done. That is
crazy fast. Well my release date is going to be the last week of July
probably the 31st. I figure it is okay to say it now because all of
the other elders are. So anyways it will be just about 2 years. So I
am glad that BYU beat Utah. I can go now and rub that in to the faces
of a few elders. Just kidding I would never do that. :) Don't worry
about the shirts. It will be fine if they are thinner. To be honest
the thicker materialed shirts are harder to clean. Well the weather
is sooo cold here that when you open a door to a warm house the entire
thing acts like you do when you breath. You just see all this mist
and steam from the warm air touching the cold air. It is pretty cool.
Also you know it is cold when you step into a nice inside warm gym
and realize that you can still see your breath. So I played some
basketball and actually did pretty good. Well everything else is just
normal this week. Except we really haven't taught that many lessons
this week due to just the hectic schedule. Well I don't know if you
sent me a package as of yet or not but it sounds like I got one just
now. That is what one of the elders just told me. Well thanks for
everything and I love you all so much. By the way, Mom could you send
me the recipe to your homemade hot chocolate. I found some cocoa and
am really wanting to use it. Well I love you both and good luck.
Love Elder Williams
So Dear Fantastic Sisters,
This week has been really interesting and if you want to learn
about it read the other email. So to be honest it is cold. :) But I
got a good coat and am doing fantatstic. (But I do look really fat
with my coat but the problem is that first it is cool to look fat in
Mongolia and second my now skinny neck look really funny wearing the
coat sometimes) But other than that it is a great coat. (I feel like
a sumo in the coat and without it I feel like Bigbird) Well also I
now have two companions which you can learn about it my other email.
Well I am just doing work over here in the land of the blue sky.
Soooooo, Rebecca, the book that I referred to is actually available
at the LasHermanasElephants publishing website. (Good luck on finding
it) that is www.lashermanaselephants.
doesn' .
Great Website!!!! So by the way since you didn't argue to that fact
that you didn't have a boyfriend I will assume that you do and I think
that you should tell me his name. Well I could really use some hot
chocolate right now. You should send me some already made hot
chocolate through the mail. it would be fantastic. So anyways good
luck up there at Byu and good luck with all of your tests. Just know
that I will be giving a test to students in a few days. I hope they
all fail!! (and no... I didn't forget sarcasm.) Well, Rachel, I
can't wait to see you over skype. It will be so fun and I really want
to see how much you have grown. Good job with pudge. You are doing a
good job over there. Well speaking of dogs I have many stories with
dogs and one of the best ones is I walked out of a ger and the dog was
sitting right outside the ger on the doorstep. Well if you don't know
about things in Mongolia dogs here are......well not nice. So as this
really big dog was about to bite me I made a choice. So remember how
I would use to play with shylo and put my foot in his mouth and then
he would wrestle? Well yeah I did just that. I put my foot in this
big dog's mouth. And he really wanted to bite me. But thanks to my
practice with shylo I saved myself from a rabies shot. So a dog story
for you. Also keep up the baby sitting. So I am so ready for the
awkwardness of single's ward. Awkwardness here I come!!!!! WEll
Rachel thanks for praying for me and keep up the good work. By the
way minii mend Bethany-d hurgeerei. (Say hello to her for me. Well
Caelen, how much have you really grown? I am scared that people are
mistaking you for someone in a singles ward. You are not allowed to
look old so I have a solution. .......(Drum roll please)........stop.
:) Well I can't wait to see how much you have grown over skype too.
So I hope that you don't have a boring week this next week. And I
can't wait to see the tie. Also send me a picture of all the really
cool decorations at the house. So all of you little girls need to
promise me something. Stop growing up!!!!! :) Well anyways good
luck this next week and I love all of you. Love Elder Williams
This week has been really interesting and if you want to learn
about it read the other email. So to be honest it is cold. :) But I
got a good coat and am doing fantatstic. (But I do look really fat
with my coat but the problem is that first it is cool to look fat in
Mongolia and second my now skinny neck look really funny wearing the
coat sometimes) But other than that it is a great coat. (I feel like
a sumo in the coat and without it I feel like Bigbird) Well also I
now have two companions which you can learn about it my other email.
Well I am just doing work over here in the land of the blue sky.
Soooooo, Rebecca, the book that I referred to is actually available
at the LasHermanasElephants publishing website. (Good luck on finding
it) that is www.lashermanaselephants.
Great Website!!!! So by the way since you didn't argue to that fact
that you didn't have a boyfriend I will assume that you do and I think
that you should tell me his name. Well I could really use some hot
chocolate right now. You should send me some already made hot
chocolate through the mail. it would be fantastic. So anyways good
luck up there at Byu and good luck with all of your tests. Just know
that I will be giving a test to students in a few days. I hope they
all fail!! (and no... I didn't forget sarcasm.) Well, Rachel, I
can't wait to see you over skype. It will be so fun and I really want
to see how much you have grown. Good job with pudge. You are doing a
good job over there. Well speaking of dogs I have many stories with
dogs and one of the best ones is I walked out of a ger and the dog was
sitting right outside the ger on the doorstep. Well if you don't know
about things in Mongolia dogs here are......well not nice. So as this
really big dog was about to bite me I made a choice. So remember how
I would use to play with shylo and put my foot in his mouth and then
he would wrestle? Well yeah I did just that. I put my foot in this
big dog's mouth. And he really wanted to bite me. But thanks to my
practice with shylo I saved myself from a rabies shot. So a dog story
for you. Also keep up the baby sitting. So I am so ready for the
awkwardness of single's ward. Awkwardness here I come!!!!! WEll
Rachel thanks for praying for me and keep up the good work. By the
way minii mend Bethany-d hurgeerei. (Say hello to her for me. Well
Caelen, how much have you really grown? I am scared that people are
mistaking you for someone in a singles ward. You are not allowed to
look old so I have a solution. .......(Drum roll please)........stop.
:) Well I can't wait to see how much you have grown over skype too.
So I hope that you don't have a boring week this next week. And I
can't wait to see the tie. Also send me a picture of all the really
cool decorations at the house. So all of you little girls need to
promise me something. Stop growing up!!!!! :) Well anyways good
luck this next week and I love all of you. Love Elder Williams
Dear Kristalyn,
So you can read about my week in my other email. So this week has
been pretty good and we have had a lot of fun. So anyway it sounds
like you are having a blast. I wish you all the best of luck on your
finals, but don't burn yourself out studying. I like the phrase don't
burn your candle on both ends. Or something like that. SO good luck
and here is another great phrase for ya' don't count your chickens
before they hatch. Ever since I have been teaching english I realized
just how amazing the english language is. I also have learned a lot
of phrases. So it finally snowed. That is weird to think about
considering the fact that it snowed here forever ago. It is also
really cold. So I finally slipped and fell this week but I took
second place among the elders. I actually slipped just kind of
standing and when I really think about it I have no idea how I fell.
So that was really funny. Did you know that here there is literally
roads of solid ice? They are really hard to walk on at night without
a flashlight. :) So that is cool about your whole car thing. I bet
you will sell it pretty quick. If you want to sell it really fast
just say that it is actually a transformer and then people will buy it
really quickly. :) So I know but yeah my jokes are lame today. So I
read a really cool article about how a family during christmas time
all memorized the living christ. She said that literally that those
several months that they spent memorizing it was some of the best
months of her life because they literally rejoiced in Christ all the
time. I have decided I really want to do the same thing. So just a
cool idea. So to answer your questions, every once and a while I miss
home but recently it hasn't been so bad. It was actually the worst of
thanksgiving but right now it is pretty good. So I always remember
you guys but to be honest since all of you have changed so much i
really don't know any of the cute little habits you have anymore. I
really hope that we can all together be up and byu for a while. But
if that doesn't work out than we can still do a lot of other things.
So the day I was getting released changed. So it will be the end of
July. Probably July 31st. SO it will be about two years. Orginally
we were going to go the 14th of July but with the whole lowering of
the missionary ages it messed some things up. So that will be whats
up. So always remember the saviour. Some people think that in
Mongolia it is easier to focus on the real meaning of christmas
because there is no commercial christmas but it is exactly the
opposite. It is all commercial christmas. Santa and the christmas
tree and all of the christmas music that doesn't include the story of
actual christmas. It makes me realize just how special it is to focus
on christ during christmas. So you are doing a wonderful job
remembering what christmas is really about. So to be honest I really
want some pudding for Christmas. So if you could send some pudding I
would love you more than ever. :) JK but you can tell mom though.
Well I am doing fine and I wish you the best luck out there. 30 weeks
left for me. That is about how much left. Time flies and I am so sad
that I am leaving that soon. I just feel like I haven't been as
productive as I wanted to be but every missionary feels that way. So
I love you and can't wait to see you over skype. PS give me your
skype address. Well I love you and good luck. Love Elder Williams
So you can read about my week in my other email. So this week has
been pretty good and we have had a lot of fun. So anyway it sounds
like you are having a blast. I wish you all the best of luck on your
finals, but don't burn yourself out studying. I like the phrase don't
burn your candle on both ends. Or something like that. SO good luck
and here is another great phrase for ya' don't count your chickens
before they hatch. Ever since I have been teaching english I realized
just how amazing the english language is. I also have learned a lot
of phrases. So it finally snowed. That is weird to think about
considering the fact that it snowed here forever ago. It is also
really cold. So I finally slipped and fell this week but I took
second place among the elders. I actually slipped just kind of
standing and when I really think about it I have no idea how I fell.
So that was really funny. Did you know that here there is literally
roads of solid ice? They are really hard to walk on at night without
a flashlight. :) So that is cool about your whole car thing. I bet
you will sell it pretty quick. If you want to sell it really fast
just say that it is actually a transformer and then people will buy it
really quickly. :) So I know but yeah my jokes are lame today. So I
read a really cool article about how a family during christmas time
all memorized the living christ. She said that literally that those
several months that they spent memorizing it was some of the best
months of her life because they literally rejoiced in Christ all the
time. I have decided I really want to do the same thing. So just a
cool idea. So to answer your questions, every once and a while I miss
home but recently it hasn't been so bad. It was actually the worst of
thanksgiving but right now it is pretty good. So I always remember
you guys but to be honest since all of you have changed so much i
really don't know any of the cute little habits you have anymore. I
really hope that we can all together be up and byu for a while. But
if that doesn't work out than we can still do a lot of other things.
So the day I was getting released changed. So it will be the end of
July. Probably July 31st. SO it will be about two years. Orginally
we were going to go the 14th of July but with the whole lowering of
the missionary ages it messed some things up. So that will be whats
up. So always remember the saviour. Some people think that in
Mongolia it is easier to focus on the real meaning of christmas
because there is no commercial christmas but it is exactly the
opposite. It is all commercial christmas. Santa and the christmas
tree and all of the christmas music that doesn't include the story of
actual christmas. It makes me realize just how special it is to focus
on christ during christmas. So you are doing a wonderful job
remembering what christmas is really about. So to be honest I really
want some pudding for Christmas. So if you could send some pudding I
would love you more than ever. :) JK but you can tell mom though.
Well I am doing fine and I wish you the best luck out there. 30 weeks
left for me. That is about how much left. Time flies and I am so sad
that I am leaving that soon. I just feel like I haven't been as
productive as I wanted to be but every missionary feels that way. So
I love you and can't wait to see you over skype. PS give me your
skype address. Well I love you and good luck. Love Elder Williams
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