Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dear Mom and Dad,      So this week has been a really good week.  We found a few new good investigators that should turn out really well.  Also I am going to get a short term missionary which means that a young man who has some free time who has been interviewed by the president will come out and be my companion for a few weeks.  So hopefully that turns out okay.  So this week has been pretty cold.  It is starting to turn into that good all familiar Mongolian winter.  It should be good and cold.  So all the locals are saying that this winter will be colder than all others but those myths are all kind of not really true or that is what I am beginning to understand.  So the work is just moving along over here.  so we did go and introduce our investigator to people at a Halloween party at the church.  We weren't there too long though.  We normally are supposed to.  So that was fun to see.  We also helped decorate a little because well number one I'm tall and number 2 not a lot of people to decorate showed up.  So I drew a pumpkin that looked just like Mom's pumpkins.  So that was really good.  All of my new members seem to be doing fine so that is nice.  So it sounds like your week was pretty good.  I'm glad to hear that byu actually won a game and won it well.  That is great to hear about the other missionaries from our ward.  It is so wonderful to know that they are all doing fine out there.  So this week I was surrounded by English speaking people in a bus and it was really weird.  I actually understood everything they were saying perfectly.  Also I saw a black guy. (or if I must be politically correct African American)  It was really weird because I hardly see any white people around here.  Anyways I got kind of shy and didn't really talk to any of them but I have made a vow that next time I see a group of english speakers I will talk with them.  Anyway that was my week this week.  And mom don't worry about when I get home and I see you because dad is right you were both old when I left.  Just kidding....kind of.  Well I love you both so much and I wish you all the best of luck.  Love Elder Williams

Dear Little Sisters,
      I am always so happy to hear from you.  It has been so nice to be able to see you grow through my mission.  So this week has been good but it is already getting really cold.  At least it is not like the beginning of January though.  That is the absolute coldest time.  It is cold here now and I can't wait for the really cold stuff to pass.  Also the sun will set and rise really funny now and I will get up and the sun won't be up until like 9:30 and will set at like3:30.  It is a little rough but I will stick it through.  So this week has been pretty good.  This week I will get a new short term missionary for about 6 weeks.  Hopefully that turns out alright.  SO we found two new investigators last week which was great and hopefully we will continue to find more.  Well Rachel good luck with that whole going to sleep thing.  Just relax.  Also tell me what happens to our fat old dog.  Hopefully it isn't a big problem.  I'm so glad that you are liking going to church.  The sabbath day is so special and we just always need to be thankful that God has given us this special day to recharge our spiritual batteries.  Caelen, you went on a date. YOU WENT ON A DATE!!!  How dare you do that!!!!  JK  :)  I am glad to hear you had so much fun.  I hope you really enjoyed yourself.  It is so fun to have good friends to go and do stuff with.  Rebecca, you sound like a popular girl.  Going as Tron.  How cool are you?  You are really like going crazy up there.  :)  Well, that is so good to hear that you have been doing great things up there.  Also remember to go on some dates.  You need to because a popular girl needs a popular (good) boyfriend.  :)  Well I love you all and good luck this week.  Love Elder Williams

Dear Kristalyn,
     So this week to be honest has been freezing.  It is beginning to the cold is happening right here right now in Mongolia!!!!  :)  SO that has made it a little interesting.  Thank you for writing me this week.  It sounds like you are having a wonderful time up at BYU.  I also hope to be able to be in all your fun little groups up there.  I just can't believe how fast my mission is going though.  It is unreal.  So I learned that in the next week I will get a new companion who is a short term missionary.  In other words I will have a priest to help me with the missionary work for a few weeks.  I am still in Unur which has been a blast but I admit I really wanted a full time missionary for a companion.  SO our ward did have a Halloween party and we went just to introduce our investigator to the people and then we left.  We also stayed for the food.    Though I admit I know nothing about the elections.  SO I always did like those silly little nights you used to do.  Now I may of seemed like embarrassed at the time but I think those little goofy things really brought us all together.  Yeah our sisters are growing up way to fast.  I don't really know any of the too well any more.  They are going on dates doing amazing stuff and I hope they haven't changed to much.  It doesn't seem so right now but I won't know until I get there.  Does Caelen look a lot older?  I haven't seen a picture of her.  How does Rachel look.  It is kind of weird to think that they are all getting so big.  Anyway thanks for writing me and I hope you have a great time this next week.  I love you and just know that your brother is trying to stay as warm as he can over in the country of Mongolia.  Good luck!!!  Love Elder Williams

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